We come together every Sunday at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m.


KidWorship is about doing everything that is done in “Big Church,” but just on a level that kids will understand and appreciate.


We are a community of Christian disciples called together to grow in faith and to be equipped for service. We strive to worship faithfully, to serve compassionately, and to be a place of hospitality and welcome for all. We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA).

Worship. Connect.
Nurture. Serve

Every Sunday at 8:30 & 11:00




In worship, we gather to give thanks and praise to God, who is present and active among us. We expose our hearts in search of healing, we open our minds in search of wisdom, and we offer our lives in search of transformation. Then we are sent into the world to love and serve in God’s name.