The heart of Palms is deepened and strengthened through the connections made in Christian community. The Connection Ministry seeks to guide members, guests and friends to engage with one another through fellowship, study, service, and worship, demonstrating a different way of life to the world; a way of life that supports and cares for one another and for the wider community. The Connection Ministry is made of the following teams: Hospitality, Fellowship, and Connectors.
Hospitality is central to the Connection Ministry (Greeters, Welcome Center, Fellowship Hour Snacks). First-time visitors receive an email, phone call or letter from a member of the staff. Visitors who indicate interest in a particular ministry are connected with a member of that ministry and invited to share their gifts and talents with the community. Those who are interested in learning more about covenanting with this community are invited to participate in a New Member class. The purpose of this class is to allow those who have participated in the life and ministry of Palms and/or who are new to Palms to form connections with others who are also new to Palms, to share individual faith journeys, and to discern new avenues for spiritual growth and service in the Palms community. Central to the covenant we make with God and with one another is mutual affirmation and accountability, supporting and encouraging one another as we share God’s love and serve God’s mission.

The members of Palms value the fellowship they share in Christ, from the weekly coffee hour after worship to organized fellowship events. The Connection Ministry provides opportunities for intergenerational fellowship through events (Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, Friendsgiving Potluck), special activities (Palm Sunday Easter Egg Hunt, Blessing of the Animals, Ice Cream Sundae Sunday) and regular gatherings (Wisdom’s Table, No Guilt Group). All-church events such as potluck dinners and retreats deepen the connections.

The Connection Ministry seeks to be a part of the wider community and works toward that end by serving in organizations such as Beaches Ministerial Association, Beaches Hospitality Network, and City Council meetings. Palms extends hospitality to groups such as Parkinson’s Caregiver Support group, 12-step groups, Girl Scout troops, youth and men’s basketball teams, and HOA groups who use the Palms’ facility for their meetings and gatherings. By connecting and engaging in the life and ministry of Palms at Palms and beyond, we become active participants in God’s work.

Ways to CONNECT with Others in Christ
Sunday Connections Teams
Whether you would like to be an usher, a greeter, set out refreshments, or answer questions at the Information Desk for guests, the Sunday Connection Teams do the work of hospitality and welcoming everyone to Palms.
Memorial Service Ushers
When someone in the congregation passes away, people surround them with care. At the memorial service, these ushers make sure family and friends are met with grace and welcome.
Children's Ministry
Share the love of God both in word and deed here at Palms. Sunday school teachers, crafters, shepherds, VBS leaders… Palms Children’s Ministry has so many opportunities to care for our littlest church members.
Worship Elements Preparation
The sacraments of communion and baptism depend upon a team to assemble the elements ahead of worship. Be a part of this team and help worship happen smoothly.