Faithful Fusion
The first Wednesday of every month
September 4
October 2
November 6
December 4
Breakout Circles
- Ask A Pastor in ROM 207
- Spirituality and Creativity in RM 212
- Bible Study – “Practicing the Way” in RM 204
- Wednesday Evening Prayer in the chapel
Palms Praise & Play
Palms Praise and Play is a time for children 0-5 years old to engage in simple faith formation and play in a loving environment. Children are welcomed by experienced staff who sing with, interact with, and care for our youngest participants all while mirroring the generous love of God.
Adventures in Prayer
On Faithful Fusion nights, children K- 5th grade get to explore and deepen their faith alongside our middle school and high school youth. Through interactive projects, art, music, movement, and connection with “big kids”, all participants are offered a chance to grow into and expand their spiritual development.