Event Series Youth Group (Middle School)

Youth Group (Middle School)

Middle School Youth in grades 6-8 typically meet every Wednesday evening in the gym and youth room from 5:15-7:00 p.m. Each week, youth join together for “Hangout time”, dinner, devotion, and games. The typical schedule is as follows: 5:00-6:00 p.m.: Arrival/”Hangout time”- (free time choices), welcome, and dinner (bring $5 each week) 6:00 p.m. – 6:30 […]

Centering Prayer

A group of contemplative individuals who meet once per week to grow closer to God through centering prayer. All are welcome to join this group.

Visiting Theologian Rev. Dr. Darren Kennedy

Join us for Visiting Theologian Rev. Dr. Darren Kennedy as part of the Walker Family Lecture Series. On Saturday, February 22 at 6 p.m. join us for dinner and a presentation in Patten Hall. Please register in advance for the dinner. Rev. Dr. Darren Kennedy will also be the guest preacher on Sunday, February 23 […]