Youth Ministry


Helping People To Learn, Live, Love
and Serve

By the grace of Jesus Christ, we are called to worship God; to connect in community, to nurture in love and to serve in the world.

At Palms, we all are on a journey of faith. We want to live with and for God, and the Nurture Ministry offers opportunities to deepen, wrestle with, and engage our faith. Christian Education has long been a cornerstone of the church. However, it’s not about becoming “smarter” Christians, or even about Sunday school, but growing into disciples who live our faith on a daily basis.

Following Jesus is a journey of a lifetime, and so we have programs and events for all ages, on different days of the week, and at many different times. There are many ways to get involved in Nurture, but no one can do it alone. Join the Palms community as we learn, live, love and serve in the way of Jesus.

Youth Ministry

service-oriented, safe place

Palms Youth Ministry is a Christ-centered, service-oriented, safe place for youth to grow closer to God and connect with one another.

Palms Youth Ministry is where 6 -12 graders find their place in the Palms Oasis through fellowship, study, worship and service. Throughout the school year, we go on weekend retreats, participate in local service projects, experience worship in new and ancient ways and explore what it means to be a part of the body of Christ through service in our community and beyond. In the summer, we participate in mission trips and fun day trips. Palms Youth Ministry is a place to love and be loved by God and one another. For more information, contact Jimmy Steele.

Youth Group