Deacon Ministry
Our Board of Deacons focuses on the care of our congregation, serving our members day in and day out. Serve Ministry lives into the requirement for action in Jesus’ command, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:37-39) Loving God compels us to love and serve others. It is fundamentally who we are.
Ways to SERVE with Others in Christ
Prayer Links Ministry
Volunteers get assigned prayer requests and lift them up daily. A powerful and quiet way to serve at Palms and strengthen your own faith.
Care Teams Ministry
The Care Teams Ministry walk alongside a group of Palms members to help them remain cared for, connected, and engaged.
Flower Ministry
Volunteers take the flowers from Sunday worship and transform them into a heartwarming gift for those in the congregation who need care.
Food for the Soul Ministry
Sometimes people returning home from the hospital are unable to cook for themselves. Food for the Soul arranges for a cooked and delivered meal and to care for those around you.
Congregational Visitation Ministry
The Congregational Visitation Ministry visits homebound Palms members on a monthly basis to help them stay connected to the community.
Helping Hands Ministry
Helping Hands does the “catch-all” work of congregational care. One day, you might give someone a ride to the doctor, the next day you are changing a light bulb… great work for servant leaders.
Hospital Visitation Ministry
The Deacon Hospital visitors are a liaison team between Palms members and Palms Pastoral Staff. On the weekends this team takes turns visiting (or calling in the time of COVID) Palms members that are in the hospital. They check in on them and pray with them. They can report any important findings back to the Palms Pastoral Staff.
Health Ministry
Offering blood pressure checks, preventative advice, and healthcare guidance, the Health Ministry advises the Palms congregation how to stay in good health.
Walking the Mourner's Path
‘The ministry of Walking the Mourner’s Path seeks to serve individuals who are in grief through a series of eight, weekly workshops. In these small group workshops, participants acknowledge their grief, recognize that everyone’s grief journey is unique, share stories, experience tears and laughter, and find healing and joy. “Together we do what we cannot do alone.” Walking the Mourner’s Path “is different from other grief programs. It was founded out of the need to answer the question, ‘Where is God in my pain?'”
This program can help you find spiritual direction, honor your loved one, and discover God’s promise of peace and comfort after the death of a loved one.