Worship is our joyful response to the grace of God at work in our lives and the world. We gather to give praise to God, confess our need for grace, and hear God’s gracious call through scripture, sermon and sacraments. Worship then sends us back into the world to serve God as bridge builders in a divided world; ambassadors of compassion and reconciliation; and servant leaders.
We worship God in a variety of styles that honor tradition and embrace creativity. On Sunday mornings, we gather in the sanctuary at 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. to worship in a traditional style which includes scripture, sermon, and choral music. Note, during the summer (Memorial Day – Labor Day) we have only one worship service at 10 a.m. On Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m., we gather in Hess Chapel for Evening Prayer, a meditative service of healing, wholeness and hope with music, candlelight and communion. All are welcome. Come as you are.
What is the sacrament of Holy Baptism?
Baptism is a sign of God’s grace freely given, reminding us of the faithfulness of God. We believe that God’s grace is visibly present when we celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism. We believe that God’s grace is freely given to us enabling our response in faith.
The water of baptism symbolizes the waters of Creation, of the Flood, and of the Exodus from Egypt. Through baptism, we enter into the covenant God has established. In baptism, we remember the grace given to us and the faith that forms our lives: Jesus Christ is Lord.
Baptisms are part of a worship service as a visible sign that we are part of God’s family and responsible for the care and nurturing of those being baptized. People of all ages may be baptized at Palms Presbyterian Church.
Is it an altar or a table?
The Presbyterian/Reformed understanding of the Lord’s Supper is one of thanksgiving and remembrance for the self-offering of Jesus Christ once and for all time on a cross in Jerusalem. Christ’s perfect sacrifice of love and service is not re-enacted or reactualized at the Lord’s Supper; rather, in the joyful feast of eucharistic celebration, we offer our praise and thanksgiving to God for this amazing gift. Furthermore, the sacrament that Christ instituted for the remembrance of Him takes the form of a simple meal — a sharing of bread and wine. Therefore, it is Presbyterian practice to refer to the Lord’s table rather than an altar.
To be sure, the memorial (or anamnesis) of Christ’s death and resurrection is an integral part of the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. This is one of several theological themes implicit in the eucharistic meal. Others include: thanksgiving to God for the gifts and goodness of creation, prayer for the fruitful reception of the sacrament through the Holy Spirit, the communion of the faithful in the presence of Christ and the anticipation or foretaste of the heavenly banquet in the kingdom of God. Around the symbol of the “table” there is room for this rich feast of sacramental meaning.
Services of the Witness of Resurrections
“Be filled with the Spirit, speaking in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, making melody in your heart to the Lord.” -Ephesians 5:19
In times of loss and sorrow, a service of Witness to the Resurrection is a time to gather with family and friends to celebrate the life of a loved one lost, and to witness to the powerful promises that we have in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. These services offer a time of thanksgiving for the gift that we have received in the life of the deceased, while claiming together the God’s gift of life that is more powerful than death. Services are planned with the pastor who will be officiating. If you have any questions or to initiate a service, please contact the church office at (904) 246-6427.